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Oct 13, 2020 - 02:37 PM

Troubleshooting and Support

Students should contact their SimBuild teacher if they feel their scoring is incorrect. Teachers can consult the answer guide to verify student results are accurate. To report a scoring discrepancy, email or call (860) 893-0080 for assistance.



Frequent Troubleshooting Help

SimBuild Application or LMS Forgotten Username or Password
Steps to recover a forgotten username or password for your SimBuild account.

Next Steps
Students: Let your Teacher or SimBuild Administrator know. They will need to retrieve or update your account information.
Teachers: Let your SimBuild Administrator know. They will need to retrieve or update your account information.
Teachers & Administrators:
1. Sign into the LMS.
2. If multiple products are purchased, select the product that corresponds to the user whose information is being accessed.
3. Select 'Manage Users'.
4. Search to find usernames.
5. To change a password, put a check next to the user you want and select 'Reset Password'.
6. Send the username and/or password information to the user.


SimBuild Application "Server Did Not Respond" Error on Login
This message appears when attempting to log in: "Server Did Not Respond" or "The server did not respond to the login request. There may be an issue with your connection to the server."

Next Steps
1. Check if you are connected to the internet (wifi or ethernet cable).
2. Open an internet browser and verify you can reach "".
3. Try logging in again. Note that it may take more than 1 attempt.
4. Verify with your IT department that the SimBuild domain has been whitelisted: "".


SimBuild Application "The Profile Failed to Load" Error on Login
This message appears when attempting to log in: "The Profile Failed to Load" or "There may be an issue with the credentials that were entered."

Next Steps
1. Try logging in again. The username or password may have been mistyped.
2. Check if your username or password has special characters (ex. &, +) or diacritical marks (ex. â, é). If so, sign in to your LMS account and go to your user page to remove these characters from your username. Repeat the login process.


SimBuild Application 'Glass Box Activity' Controls
Activity controls are not clear, not working, or unable to complete the activity.

Next Steps
On Windows devices, hold and drag the right mouse button to move the box. The control directions depict the opposite of what is required.