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Oct 09, 2020 - 02:03 PM

Navigating the Application

Navigation in SimBuild applications is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Hover over icons for details on what each icon means or does.

Breadcrumb Trail - The ‘Breadcrumb Trail’ saves your steps along Site, System, and Work Order activity selections. As a Site, System, and Work Order are selected, the breadcrumb trail populates with these choices. Instead of backing out of all selections, just select a point on the breadcrumb trail to navigate back to that menu.

Back - Return to the previous screen.

Avatar Editor - Make changes to your avatar. The avatar is displayed throughout the application during Site, System, Work Order, and Activity selections.

Tools Browser - The ‘Tool Browser’ contains information about tools and materials used while performing activities. Select tools and materials to learn their names, use, features, and safety guidance.

Reward Browser - Rewards are granted to users who meet certain performance criteria in activities. Select a reward to read its requirements. Users may navigate directly to the reward activity by clicking the ‘Activity Selection’ button in the rewards information window.

Logout - Log out and return to the login screen without shutting down the application.

Options - Open the options menu to adjust sound effect and music volumes or exit the application. Select ‘Save Changes’ to confirm.