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Oct 09, 2020 - 02:05 PM

Tracking Progress

Student progress is made through activities. As students complete activities, their performance is uploaded to the LMS and matched with learning competencies in SimBuild Carpentry or SimBuild Industrial.

- Note - An active internet connection is required to upload performance in the application to the LMS.

Students can track their progress by logging into the LMS. This will bring them to their individual student report. The student report details their Activity Grade, Overall Progress grade, and Competency grade. Students can select any of these to access additional details on their performance.

Teachers can track class and student progress in specific activities with the Gradebook. To track student progress in specific skill competencies, Teachers should use the Competency section of the LMS. Here, teachers can select and expand a competency to see detailed information on what the competency requires, which key studies contribute to it, overall class progress, and individual student progress towards mastering that specific competency.