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Oct 09, 2020 - 02:03 PM

Performing Activities

After selecting an activity, users see the activity’s goal. An on-screen prompt details what the user should accomplish and how. Here, users can select ‘Show Controls’ to see how to interact with activity. When viewing controls, select ‘Show Goal’ to return to the goal prompt. Select ‘Okay’ on either screen to proceed to the activity.

Some activities will show a list of ‘Tools Used’ in an activity. Select an icon from this list to learn more about that tool or material in the Tool Browser. Navigate back from the Tool Browser to return to the activity.

To complete an activity, answer all the questions and prompts correctly. A prompt at the end of the activity lets users know if the activity was completed successfully or if it is still incomplete. An incomplete activity may be caused by entering too many incorrect answers.

- Note - Logging out or exiting the application before completing an activity will not save a user’s progress. To save progress, complete the activity and log out or exit the application after returning to the activity selection screen.